The StandByMe platform is a digital platform designed for students and educators that aims to promote awareness of and address gender-based violence through prevention and response strategies in a gamified format.

Through the platform, users are able to complete activities related to the three main objectives of StandByMe:

  1. raise awareness on the issue of gender-based violence and deconstruct gender stereotypes; 

  2. provide a safe place for sharing and exchanging experiences while promoting perspective taking; 

  3. support and encourage young people to take action and comprehend the communal responsibility to combat gender-based violence.

The platform is completely free and available in five different languages. Various gamification elements and techniques have been incorporated within the platform to encourage diverse exploratory interactions and cultivate a thorough comprehension of the subject matter.

The platform is available in five different languages: English, Italian, Polish, Hungarian and Slovenian.

To access the StandByMe platform register by using the activation code “SBM”:

