About the project StandByMe 2.0
Project STop gender-bAsed violeNce by aDdressing masculinities and changing Behaviour of Young people through huMan rights Education aims to counter online and offline violence against women and girls (VAWG) caused by toxic masculinities and related harmful stereotypes via youth actions in Hungary, Italy, Poland, and Slovenia.
The term “masculinity” refers to the roles, behaviors and attributes that are associated with maleness and considered appropriate for men. We are talking about “toxic masculinity” to explain “the constellation of socially regressive [masculine] traits that serve to foster domination, the devaluation of women, homophobia, and wanton violence” (Ingram et al. 2019).

How will partners of the project fight negative perceptions and consequences of toxic masculinities?
The project will educate and empower young people for taking action against the phenomenon of toxic masculinity. We aim to facilitate the ability of youth to detect it, as well as supporting their voice as agents of change.
This will be achieved through the development and the delivering of a digital platform for gamified online awareness for raising actions against VAWG and a comprehensive blended learning program consisting of offline and online educational activities, materials, gamification techniques and HRE empowered actions by students.
The educational activities will be specifically focused on raising awareness among youth and pedagogical workers about the concept of toxic masculinity and how it affects VAWG.
Key focus areas of the StandByMe 2.0
- Foster an increased understanding of what online and offline VAWG is.
- Raise awareness about online and offline VAWG.
- Educate about consequences of toxic masculinities and related harmful stereotypes.
- Raise awareness of the role of formal and non-formal learning settings in tackling VAWG.
- Promote the Digital Education Platform and Educational Toolkit as tools to address VAWG and toxic masculinity.
- Promote inclusive and non-violent communication
Who are partners of the project?
Project involves Amnesty International sections from Italy, Hungary, Poland and Slovenia, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, and University of Trento.
Amnesty International is a global movement of more than 10 million people who take injustice personally. FBK is an Italian Research Institute focusing on high quality research in ICT with market and societal impact. The University of Trento was founded in 1962 and has always aimed at building alliance and reciprocal efficiency with Italian and foreign institutions and organizations. In 1982, the University (until then private) became public, with a statute that guaranteed self-government.
Grant info: 101049386 — STANDBYME 2.0 — CERV-2021-DAPHNE – 24 months [1.5.2022 – 30.4.2024]. Funding: Funded by the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV-2021-DAPHNE)
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